
King's Lau China Institute
Konstantinos Tsimonis is a Lecturer in Chinese Society at the Lau China Institute, King's College London. He has a PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies where he also taught courses on Chinese, East Asian and comparative politics. His articles have appeared in the Journal of Youth Studies, Modern China and the Chinese Journal of International Politics, among others. His upcoming monograph titled "The Chinese Communist Youth League: Juniority and Responsiveness in a Party Youth Organization" will be published by Amsterdam University Press. Konstantinos is currently working on a British Academy funded research project on China's "Balkan Corridor". Konstantinos' work concentrates on the ways institutional actors in China's authoritarian polity (partially) adapt in order to perform new roles in the context of marketization and globalization, and their impact on policy-making and state-society relations.
University of Bologna & King's Brazil Institute
Research fellow for the research project BIT-ACT, supported by the European Research Council at the University of Bologna. Within the project, she looks at initiatives from civil society to improve accountability using digital media. Fernanda Odilla obtained her doctoral degree in Social Science and Public Policy at the Brazil Institute at King's College London. She has a Masters in Criminology and Criminal Justice from King's College London, a pre-masters in Crime and Public Safety from UFMG (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil), and a BA First Class Honours in Journalism from PUC Minas (Brazil). Prior to her academic career, she worked as a multimedia producer for the Brazilian desk at the BBC in London. Previously, she worked as a reporter for five different daily newspapers in Belo Horizonte and Brasília covering a range of different topics such as sports, crime, public safety, and the environment. Since 2005, after being transferred to Brasília to cover politics and economic affairs, Fernanda Odilla has dedicated to investigating and exposing political corruption in Brazil.
King's College London
Dr Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho is the current director of King's Brazil Institute. He received his PhD from the University of Passau, Germany, and his undergraduate and MA degrees from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil. He joined King's in 2014 and before which he was Associate Professor for Brazilian Studies at Aarhus University (2008-2014), Denmark, where he was also Director of the Latin American Centre (2012-2014). Vinicius was a Lieutenant in the Brazilian Army (2007-2008), serving in the Military Technical Corps. At King's, Dr Carvalho is devoting himself to both the Brazil Institute and the Department of War Studies. Dr Carvalho has played an active role contributing to the field of Brazilian studies, founding and editing Brasiliana – Journal for Brazilian Studies and as Editor of the Anthem Brazilian Studies Series. Dr Carvalho's research falls under four areas: epistemology of Brazilian studies; Brazilian literature, music and culture; Brazilian strategy, defence and security; civil-military relations and peacekeeping operations.
King's College London
Jan Knoerich is Senior Lecturer in the Economy of China at the Lau China Institute and Department of International Development, School of Global Affairs, King's College London. His research examines foreign direct investment and international investment policy, with a focus on outward investments from China and other emerging economies and the development implications of such investments for home economies. His work has appeared in leading academic journals, such as the Journal of World Business, New Political Economy and the Journal of International Management, and he has published in various books and book chapters. Jan also conducted research on international trade and corruption, which was published in Economics Letters. His research has been funded by the British Academy and the Economic and Social Research Council, and he has been a consultant for the United Nations, European Union and various think-tanks. Before joining King's College London, he was a Lecturer at the University of Oxford. Jan also spent several years working for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva. He holds a PhD in Economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

King's Brazil Institute
Hannah Brown has an MSc in Latin American Studies from the University of Oxford (2021), where she researched the dynamics of decision-making in Peruvian migration policy, specifically towards Venezuelan refugees, based on a mixed-methods analysis of public opinion, media coverage and policymaker preferences. She has a BA Hons in International Relations from King's College London (2019).
King's Lau China Institute
Steven Jiawei Hai is a PhD candidate in Political Science. His research primarily focuses on the political economy of technology development, innovation policy, and digital entrepreneurship in China and other emerging economies. He is currently a visiting student at the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research, NYU Shanghai. Steven obtained his BA in International Politics from the University of International Relations, Beijing, and MA in International Political Economy from the University of California San Diego, California. Prior to King's, he held academic positions at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, The University of Hong Kong. He was the recipient of grants and awards from the Universities' China Committee in London.
King's Brazil Institute
Professor Anthony Pereira graduated from the University of Sussex in 1982 with a BA in Politics and then in 1986 obtained an MA in Government from Harvard University. His PhD dissertation at Harvard, defended in 1991, focused on the role of rural trade unions in northeast Brazil in expanding democratic rights in two different periods, the early 1960s before the military coup of 1964 and the late 1970s and 1980s, when Brazil's authoritarian regime was ending. This research led to the publication of the book 'The End of the Peasantry: The Rural Labor Movement in Northeast Brazil, 1961-1988' (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1997). Before joining King's in 2010, where he is also a Professor of International Development, Professor Pereira held positions at the New School for Social Research in New York City, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in the Boston area, and Tulane University in New Orleans, all in the United States, and the University of East Anglia in the UK. He has also been a visiting professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco in Recife, the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte, and the International Relations Institute of the University of São Paulo in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. His recent books include (with Lauro Mattei) The Brazilian Economy Today: Towards a New Socio-Economic Model? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015); (with Jeff Garmany) Understanding Contemporary Brazil (Routledge, 2018) and Modern Brazil: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2020). He was President of the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA) from 2014 to 2016 and is an occasional commentator on Brazil in the media.
IED - Istituto Europeo di Design
Mabel Lazzarin is a lecturer at Instituto Europeo di Design in Barcelona and a service and interaction designer at Fjord, a design and innovation consultancy. She holds a master's degree in Digital Experience Design from Hyper Island (UK) and a BA in Graphic Design from UDESC (Brazil). In the past 14 years, she has been worked on projects around the globe in different industries, such as healthcare, social innovation, banking, education, and technology. She advocates for the use of design as a tool to tackle challenges we are facing as a society: from redesigning systems (services, products, regulations) to creating platforms that facilitate people's access to important topics.
She has collaborated with the Corruption & Anti-corruption Global South by creating this website.

Tecnológico de Monterrey &
Yale University
Associate Professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) and Lecturer at Yale University (summers). Creator of the Academia against Corruption in the Americas conference. Co-author of the second edition (2016) of Susan Rose-Ackerman's 1999 classic, Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. She holds a PhD in Economics and a MSc in Economic History from University of Texas, Austin, and a BA in Economics & Latin American Studies from University of Vermont. She studies both the causes and consequences of corruption, as well as the way it can be prevented or reduced. The subject interests her because she considers it to be a form of injustice that undermines the official purposes of governments, corporations, and organizations. Her approach to corruption has allowed her to conduct lectures in the World Bank and the United Nations. The moment a student finally grasps a difficult concept is one of the moments Palifka relishes the most about teaching, or when they travel abroad to study a master's degree or to be part of a competition.
Department of Public Policy,
City University of Hong Kong
Ting Gong is Professor of Political Science. She earned her MA and PhD from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs of Syracuse University, USA. Before joining City University of Hong Kong, she taught in the United States for more than a dozen years. Her research interests cover corruption and anti-corruption reform, post-communist transformation, and integrity management. She is the author of the first English book-length study of China's corruption, The Politics of Corruption in Contemporary China: An Analysis of Policy Outcomes. Her most recent book, Preventing Corruption in Asia: Institutional Design and Policy Capacity (co-edited with Stephen K. Ma) was published by Routledge (UK) in 2009. She has also published extensively in political science and public administration journals. She was the recipient of grants and awards from the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (RGC), J. William Fulbright Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, American Political Science Association, and American Association of University Women.

Department of Public Policy,
City University of Hong Kong
Wenyan Tu is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Public Policy at City University of Hong Kong. She earned her MA from the school of public administration of Zhejiang University and PhD from the department of public policy of City University of Hong Kong. Her leading research interests cover corruption and anti-corruption reform, bureaucratic ethics and behavior, and gender policy. She has published articles about the relationship between gender and corruption, individual values and corruption, and institutional building and corruption on Asian Journal of Social Psychology and Journal of Chinese Governance.
Department of Politics and Public Administration,
The University of Hong Kong
Jiangnan Zhu is an Associate Professor of Department of Politics and Public Administration (PPA) at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Director of the PPA program and Contemporary China Studies program. She got her Ph. D of Political Science and Master of Mathematical Models of Social Sciences from Northwestern University, and received her Bachelor Degrees of International Relations and Economics from Peking University. Her research interest lies in Chinese political economy, especially corruption and anticorruption in China. Her research has been accepted and published by many leading journals including Comparative Political Studies, Public Administrative Review, Governance, The China Journal, Journal of Contemporary China, Political Research Quarterly, Journal of International Press/Politics, Modern China, Crime, Law, and Social Change, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, etc. and chapters in several books. Her research received the sponsorship of the General Research Fund of Hong Kong and the Research Output Prize of HKU.
School of International Relations
and Public Affairs (SIRPA),
Fudan University
Hui Li is a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs (SIRPA), Fudan University. His research interest covers corruption, duty crime, and political attitude. His recent research has appeared in Security Studies,Democratization,Modern China,Journal of Contemporary China,Problems of Post-Communism,Social Indicators Research,Policy and Society.
Department of Public Policy,
City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Yang is a Postdoctoral fellow in Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong. Her research interests mainly focus on corruption and anti-corruption reform, local innovations, and civil service management. She has published in SSCI and CSSCI journals in the above-mentioned topics. Her latest publication is "Why Do Innovations Succeed or Fail? Local Anti-Corruption Reform in China" in China Review.
Department of Political Science,
Tsinghua University
Tianguang Meng is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the School of Social Sciences in Tsinghua University, the director of The Research Center on Data and Governance, and the executive director of Tsinghua Computational Social Science Institute. His research interests include political institutions and anti-corruption, information and cyber politics, state-society relation, computational social science. His articles have been published in Comparative Political Studies, Governance, Global Environmental Change, Social Science Research, Policy Study Journal, and International Journal of Public Opinion Research. He earned the B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in political science from Peking University. Previously, He was a visiting scholar in Harvard University and University of California, San Diego.
Department of Asian and Policy Studies,
The Education University of Hong Kong
Hanyu Xiao is Assistant Professor of the Department of Asian and Policy Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong. His research interests include corruption, integrity management, and public budgeting and finance. His recent publications appear in Policy Studies Journal, Governance, Environmental Politics, Policy & Society, Public Money & Management, Social Indicators Research, et al. Dr. Xiao obtained his PhD degree from City University of Hong Kong, and MA and BA degrees from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China.
University of São Paulo
Fabiana Alves Rodrigues is a federal judge at the 10th Criminal Court in São Paulo, specializing in financial crimes and money laundering. Her most recent publication publication is the book "Lava Jato: aprendizado institucional e ação estratégica na Justiça". She is a PhD student in Political Science at the University of São Paulo and her research investigates the behavior of politicians in making anti-corruption policies. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Law (University of São Paulo) and Economic Sciences (Mackenzie Presbyterian University) and holds a master's degree in Political Science from the University of São Paulo, which focused on the criminal justice system in the fight against corruption.
University of São Paulo,
American Defense College,
National Police Academy
Márcio Anselmo holds a BA in Law from the State University of Londrina (2001), a Masters in International Economic Law from the Catholic University of Brasilia (2011) and a PhD in International Law from the University of São Paulo (2015), his thesis focussed on the international regime to fight against money laundering. He joined the Federal Police in 2002, having worked for almost his entire career in the area of fighting against corruption, financial crimes and money laundering and he conducted the original investigation of Car Wash Operation (Petrobras Case) from 2013 to 2017. He was the General Coordinator Against Corruption and Money Laundering in Brazil from 2018 to 2020. He is a professor at several universities and at the National Police Academy, teaching money laundering subjects and judicial police procedure law, through training and specialization courses. He is the author of several articles and books published in Brazil and abroad on organized crime, international cooperation and money laundering. As part of his role as General Coordinator against money laundering, he was part of the Brazilian delegation for several meetings of FATF and GAFILAT, and actively worked on AML / CFT regulation. He was member of the board of COAF (the Brazilian financial intelligence unit) in the years 2018/2020. Currently, he is doing an MA in Defense and Security at the Inter-American Defense College.
State University of Montes Claros
Felipe Fróes Couto is a lawyer and full Professor at the State University of Montes Claros (UNIMONTES). He is the permanent Professor of the University's Professional Master's Course on Economic Development and Business Strategy. He also teaches Business Strategy and Public Management disciplines for Administration and Public Management courses. He holds a PhD. and a master's degree in Administration, both obtained at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). He obtained his Bachelor's in Law and Administration, and he holds an MBA in Finance Management, Controlling and Auditing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) as well as an International MBA in Tax Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and Fordham School of Law. His PhD thesis was on the subject of corruption, analyzing, from a decolonial perspective, the Car Wash Scandal in Brazil. His research agenda concerns critical thinking, organizational studies, public management, and organizational accountability.
Fundação Getulio Vargas
Paulo Marzionna is a Professor of Business Ethics, Conflict Management, and Employment Law at FGV-EAESP (Brazil). He holds a PhD (2019) and an MS in Labor Relations from Cornell University (2016), an MBA from FGV-EAESP (2009), and a Bachelor of Law from University of São Paulo (2006). He is the vice-executive coordinator of FGVethics – Center for Ethics, Transparency, Integrity and Compliance studies. In FGVethics he has acted as a facilitator in collective actions on self-regulation of the construction sector (2019) and on compliance and anti-corruption education in Brazilian medical schools (2020). Paulo is a certified attorney in Brazil, having professional experience in the fields of Employment Law, Human Resource Management and Conflict Management.
Fundação Getulio Vargas
Yara Miranda Antoniassi is currently completing a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, where she was awarded a full tuition Merit Scholarship for being in the top ranking of her cohort. She is a Junior Science Scholar for Professor Eduardo Mello, where she researches political participation, parliamentary composition and its implications for public policies from a gender perspective. She is also currently a data science intern for the Eurasia Group Brazil research team. Previously she has been a part of the administrative team of the National Committee for Refugees (CONARE).
Fundação Getulio Vargas
Fernanda Garcia Oliveira is currently completing her Bachelor of Arts in International Relations at the Fundação Getulio Vargas, where she where she was awarded a full tuition Merit Scholarship for being in the top ranking of her cohort. She is a Junior Science Scholar for Professor Eduardo Mello, where she researches the role of corruption in development and the effectiveness of anti-corruption international regimes. She also researches the drivers of collective action in developing countries, particularly in Latin America. She has previously worked on a WHO sponsored research project looking at transnational organised crime and smuggling on the Brazil-Paraguay border. She is a student member of the Corruption and Compliance Research Group at the Fundação Getulio Vargas.
Mackenzie Presbyterian University
Talis Prado Júnior is a lawyer by occupation and has a Master's from Mackenzie University. He is currently developing a project alongside Professor Fabio Bechara (Mackenzie University) and Professor Zhu Kuibin (Southwest Jiaotong University) titled public policies of anti-corruption and international legal cooperation: a comparative analysis on investigation, extradition and assest forfeiture proceedings. He was part of the Comparative and Constitutional Rights: US Supreme Court and Brazilian Supreme Fedral Tribunal cousre at Mackenzie University and participated in the First Session of the René Cassin Foundation's Lecture in International Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law at the University of Buenos Aires.
Mackenzie Presbyterian University
Breno Silva Oliveira holds a Bachelor of Law from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University during which time he achieved a scholarship from the Confucius Institute to study at Jiangxi Normal University in China. He has undertaken research on the implications of the Chinese Diplomacy programme "One Belt, One Road" on international law, as well as debates around the development of an International Constitutional Court based on original qualitative research. He has professional experience at the Nuremberg Moot Court, InterAmerican Moot Court, as well as the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo.
Mackenzie Presbyterian University
João Paulo Sales holds a Master's in Law from Mackenzie University and is a lawyer by occuption. Currently he is developing a research project alongside Professor Fabio Bechara (Mackenzie University) and Professor Zhu Kuibin (Southwest Jiaotong University) titled Public Policies of Anti-Corruption and International Legal Cooperation: Comparative Analysis under Investigation, extradition and assets forefeiture proceedings. Previously he has undertaken research giving a critical analysis of extended asset confiscation in light of the changes to Brazil's constitutional judicial order.